
4 Replies

My period was due on 1st January and that day I had period like blood - red and it was quite a fair bit that could stain a panty liner. initially I thought it was period but suddenly became spotting and lasted just 2days. so I thought It could be pregnancy also as I heard about implantation bleeding. I went to a clinic and did both urine and blood test 4 days later... The doctor told me I wasn't pregnant. but my period did not come as per normal and my breast started feeling sore. I finally tested on a pregnancy kit 2 weeks later and it turned out to be positive. I'll be delivering next month soon. I hope you get the result you are hoping for.

It could be implantation bleeding because menstrual flow will be much heavier after day 1. I think you can test with a kit in 5-7 days when HCG levels are higher, now maybe still a bit early. ๐Ÿ™‚

I experienced the same as well. Waited a week, then took a test with the pregnancy test kit. I hope you get the news you want to get! ๐Ÿ˜

I would wait for at least another week

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