11 Replies
Constipation doesn't always mean ectopic pregnancy. I had constipation too. Actually really bad one. No amount of water or fruits n veggies helped. Had to get the doc prescribed Duphalac. My is normal pregnancy. Have you taken any gynec appt already? To ease your mind, it will be better if you do 😊 In my case due to constipation I was having temporary mild pain in my lower abdomen (pelvic area) I went polyclinic to check as this is my first pregnancy and I wasn't sure if the pain is normal. I was at week 5 then. poly doc said high chance the cause is constipation but better to check for ectopic pregnancy as well. So referred me to KKH on same day. Fortunately mine was all good. At week 5, since it's too early to see the heartbeat I was asked to come between 7-8 weeks. Since my constipation never improved I asked for Duphalac n that helped Good luck to you 😊 Stay positive and happy 💛
Hi, I had the same situation as u and was referred to A&E by polyclinic. Ectopic can be very pain according to my NUH A&E doctor so u should be able to differentiate constipation and ectopic. Eat more fiber fruits (e.g. banana which works for me) and it helps! Constipation may occur again in your next trimester so be prepared! My doctor prescribed Duphalec and fiber drinks. Just take note that not all constipation medicine is suitable during pregnancy, please consult your doctor.
Not likely that u would feel anything, unless the pregnancy is implanted at the tubes and also unfortunately it burst. Do see a gynae to do an ultrasound and do HCG blood test over 2 days to conclude. I have been taking Folic acid for 2years, to prep for IVF, and it doesn't cause constipation to me. Now that im baking a bun, oh yes, i need to take strong probiotics due to bad bloating and constipation.
Hi there! I had a very bad constipation too (before I knew I was pregnant)— i ignored it cos I thought I will be fine after a day or two but it got worst. I even bought meds for constipation to take but I didn’t take it because I found out Im preg. Visit your gynae but meanwhile, try taking light meals... have a smooth pregnancy, Mummy!
Constipation is common even in normal pregnancy. Only way to know if it’s ectopic is to go for a scan. But looking at your pregnancy test progression, i think it’s leaning more towards a intrauterine pregnancy. Good luck for your appt!
Normal pregnancy also causes constipation. Ectopic pregnancy makes one feel severe pain in the stomach so do differentiate between the 2. The only way to know is head down to the A&E
Anything you dun feel gd with jz tok to ur gynae or see a dr. Do not need to worry much n enjy ur pregnancy.
Nope it doesn't necessary means ectopic. Pregnancy will cause constipation easily.
Talk to your gynae? It does not mean ectopic pregnancy all the time.
Ultrasound should be able to tell, visit the gynae for advice