6 Replies

Super Mum

Wow you really have a lot stocked up. Heh. Honestly, you may want to hold off buyinh anymore for now. Every baby grows at a different rate, so you can wait and see how yours grows before buying the next size:) Honestly, my baby was so petite that almost all the brands were too big for her, so she used Huggies Gold NB size for about 4 months and Huggies Platinum NB (bigger cutting) for another 2+ months. Lol. But I’m an anomaly. There are babies that go from NB to S size within a month or 2. My baby’s almost 11 months old and still using S size. Essentially.. I suggest you don’t stock up anymore new brands. Heh. At most, try to get free samples from all the brands (try the diaper brand clubs or online baby fairs). Anyway, there will be more baby fairs and online sales on 11.11/Black Friday/Christmas, so you can get good prices at the end of the year:)

Ahh this is so so helpful! Thank you so much! 😍

I go around trying to get diff brand of sample as I really don't know what suit my baby.. and hospital gave Huggies platinum NB.. and tried the rest of the sample and decided to stick with Huggies as he now having diaper rash n better storage during the night.. then I move on to S in ard 3month n he overgrown the S super fast when I stock up like alot.. when he is 5+month, he already using M size.. so my advise is, stop buying for now.. just get sample of u wan..

Thank you!! 😍

Thats should be enough for now.. see the progress of baby growth. I only buy 180 pieces for now for my 2nd baby since delivery from redmart is quite fast. Yes average of 10 pieces per day from my experiencd for my 1st baby. Dont overstock as u dont know if your bb is allergy to whichever brand

Aww thank you so much!

VIP Member

I've stopped stocking up on diapers ever since the last time I stocked up 4 packets of S size diapers and she outgrown all those when she's just 3 months+ old. Before 4 months old my girl already in M size diapers already

Wow that’s really fast, in 3 months!? Now I’m worried about my stockpile! Hahaha thank you anw! 😍


Don't need to stock up. I only stock up when baby got no issue with that particular diaper. My baby just use 1 pack of nb and change s quickly. S to M in 3 months. It depends on individual baby.

That’s why! I heard babies outgrow super fast! Anw thank you!!


Wow that's a lot No need to stock up. if u want to, 1month usage is more than enough. There are many ongoing online sales, delivery quite fast also. U may also request sample

Okie thanks!! 🥰

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