What is the most important thing to have for a parent?
What is the most important thing to have for a parent?
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Both. Sebab kedua²nya penting bagi saya utk bahagiakn anak. Masuk Taman or beli toy pakai duit kan..hihi..Nak spend masa kat rumah kalau xde somthing utk dia pegang sambil belajar tak sah..dan bagi memudahkan lagi dia berinteraksi.

Yes money is the most important in life now but, although u be the richest man in the world, still can't buy times,

dua2 sama je penting.. Masa byk tp duit takda pn xboleh..duit byk masa xde pn tak boleh..balancekn lah

time of koz..duit blh cari tp quality time susah nk dpt

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Both .. klo tkda salah satu ,tk lengkaplah hidup

both . Money for living , time for family.

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Quality time with child...

Super Mum

..quality time with kids.

money is important too

Yes, time they need us