12 Replies

I did let my son sit on walker after 6 months old, need to make sure he can sit properly. I didnt leave him at the walker for long period of time also. My son is chubby and his legs are very hardy so I figured it is safe. He walks fine at 11th month. Now already 2.6 years.

my baby havent start to walk yet but i let her sit in walker at 4months. now at 7months, she is able to go from tummy to sitting position to stand while holding on something. just ensure she doesn't tiptoe while on it

Was against it at first, but eventually got one for baby. Recommended to let baby sit in there for just short periods though. She started walking just before 11 months old.

my #1 sat in walker and started walking at 16 months old. not sure its late or what but he was the last to be able to walk in infant care.


I started using baby walker at 5 month old. she start to stand at 10 months old and start walking herself at 1yo.

Super Mum

Yes, my baby sat in the walker, started walking before her first bday. She’s running around now at 16mo.. :)

Yes..I did allow my son to sit on the walker and eventually he always tip toe when he started walking .

no issue for me. both my boys used the walker and one can alr walk at 10m while the other abt 12m.

I use walker and she started walking at 15 months.. And now shes 2 year love running and jumping.

Yes my baby. We let him sit in the walker at 6 mths old and he started walking at 9-10 mths.

Walker helps :) Let my kid used it when she started to stand.

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