Our wedding anniversary is coming up and I'm hoping to surprise my hubby with a nice romantic dinner. Any suggestions? Fine dining is good too!

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Why not take a different route? I suggest you order takeout from a restaurant that is significant to your relationship. Doesn't have to be pricey. For instance, if you had your first date at a fastfood resto, go order from there. You guys can just chow down on your go-to comfort food, guilt-free, just the two of you while enjoying your garden or if you live in a high rise: take in the nice view. No phones allowed. ;)

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Second the idea of a home cooked meal. If you have a balcony, you can set up a candlelight ambience there and would be lovely. But I get if you also want to get away from the kids. What kind of food does your husband enjoy. If steak is a favourite and you are willing to splurge then Cut by Wolfgang Puck at MBS is a great place. Never disappoints.

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This might sound a little bit cheesy but why not take him to the place where you first met or where you usually hangout back in the days (where you're in the boyfriend-girlfriend stage)? Prepare his fave dishes, listen to your fave music and reminisce. It's always nice to look back and revisit the memories of how you both started as a couple.

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Instead of rsvp at fancy restaurant, why not RSVP your parents to babysit the kids for a while? And you cook dinner for him, a simple move but touchy. Happiness is homemade, i believe in that. Plus bonus, gramma and grandpa will be happy having the kids arround. Everybody win and happy! :P

What do you do usually with your husband? if you're regularly going fine dining, do a home-cook meal; if you're used to home dinner, go for a restaurant; if you have no time to spend together because of (whichever reason), make sure you spend time together: in short, do something different

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you can try to cook the romantic dinner at your home. I recommend you to try recipes from laura vitale. her whole recipes are easy and taste extremely good, she will guide you to cook her recipe at her youtube channel http://www.laurainthekitchen.com/all/recipes.php

You have two options for this: eat out or prepare a surprise dinner. They both have their own advantages. The former gives you the opportunity to spend time away from the hustle and bustle of home. The latter is a cheaper option, but it could be more intimate

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Great suggestions here! My favourite date night restaurants are Cicheti (on Kandahar street) for Italian food. If you really want to splurge, I'd recommend Hashida Sushi in Mandarin Gallery for omakase :)

You can get the food parcelled from one of your favourite eating joints and then go for a long drive to a peaceful, beautiful place where you can sit and enjoy the dinner in moonlight