Is it okie for my 16 months old to eat ice cream ? I tried to tell my mil that I do not want to expose my LO to sugar at such early stage but she keeps saying if I don't let them try everything , they will become fussy eater . I mean I'm okie to let them taste different kinds of food but I jus don't want to expose them to sugar and salt so early . There are many different food they can taste... I mean it's not like ice cream is a highly nutritious food that I'm withholding my child .. am I wrong ??????

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You're definitely not wrong in this, in fact we all know less to ideally no sugar is definitely good for the especially kids. Its just that some little treats is okay to indulge but not too much. Is your MIL going to be responsible for eating the whole popsicle causing cough or hyperactivity at night?

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For me I let my little one have a little treat during his 1 yr old bday .. eating adult food outside but it seems that he actually prefer my homecooked. Previously I have I intro a little outside food here n there though .. n a little ice cream treat also on his first bday but only that day :x

it's not wrong for you to feel that way, infact it is okay. then again to each its own, you have your point and I hear you. however if that one spoon can stop your mil and maintain the peace then I'll let it go. especially if I have to see them often.

8y ago

Wa whole popsicle is too much...A small spoon to taste is fine to me.. But whole is really too much

ahhh wow the whole thing is too much la. maybe tell her to just give a little bit.