45 Replies

for me it ok. some cartoon do educate. abd i believe they will learn from there. and u might be surprise that ur LO will come to u and sing the cartoon soon

for me myself, i feel that evrrything in moderate amount is ok. so i allow my girl to watch bt of coz. at a safe for eye distance and not for too long

I let me baby watch it keeps her entertain so I can get things done I don't care what expert say if it makes my life easier I will let her see


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for me i will prefer to let them watch few times a day as they are learning fast the progress will help them grow.

I let my baby watch.. To keep him entertain and so that I got time to do my things and stuff peacefully without making noise..

I'm ok will let my kids watch, this will entertain him also can let him let something. And I have my little time to rest.

everything in moderation. I do let my baby watch some song or education cartoon videos at the age of 2 month

Moderation is key. My Daughter throws tantrums when we remove her ipad but WE JUST DUN CARE. No means no!

Moderation is perfectly alright. You may choose educational cartoon like hi-5, Disney club house.

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