Is it ok to bring an infant of 5 months for an overseas trip by air? Can they take it and does it affect their ear in any ways due to air pressure etc. Can share your experience?Thinking of bringing my son to Taiwan but concerned about the distance and duration. Thought of Bangkok but don't think it's clean enough for young bb there. What's your opinion?

I brought my girl to China when she was 5 months old. It was during the winter and was ready cold, we went to the north. She was fine throughout the flight, just need to suckle during take off and landing to ease the ear pressure. I just direct latch my girl because I'm breastfeeding her.
Yes it is fine as my friend brought her four month old baby to London! But it depends on baby too as some babies are fussier and doesn't sleep as well in new environment. Let them drink milk during takeoff. Actually Bangkok is clean if you stay within the malls and the flight timing is only two hours.
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Baby will be 6 months when we travel to HK next week! From what I understand, let LO either latch on or feed him milk during take off and landing. That helps to get rid of the air pressure.
It does, but the motion of them sucking will help ease the pressure. Like how adults suck on a sweet when we take off on the plane.
Taiwan is fine for a start. Try to go during baby naptime. For take off, give baby a bottle so they can help to relieve the ear pressure.
I brought my baby to HK when she was 1.5 months. She was fine the whole trip. Just make sure to feed during take off and landing.
I brought my boy to Bkk at 8 Mths n Athens at 10 Mths during winter .. no problem
Yes it's fine. I brought my 3mo daughter on long haul for 13hours.
yes its fine . let baby drink milk when plane going to depart and landing
ok noted.😊
Mummy to be...