
ohhhh goodness... 37weeks already??? hope he waits for his father to fly down to kuching from kl this 8may.scared,excited and nervous of giving birth and meeting our prince. ?? due on 15may.?

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VIP Member

Goodluck dear.. semoga you and baby selamat ya :))

All the best to u. Semoga selamat semuanya 😊

Semoga selamat bersalin dng baik.. Gud luck

same due with me. good luck. 😊

5y ago

hehe. thanks. 😘

goodluck dear😊😊. how time flies..

Semoga mojo joros sis hehe

hai im due on 16 may..nervous

5y ago

hahaah... good luck yah❤❤😘😘

all the best mommy!

VIP Member

good luck dear