first trimester feeling
Hi, is it normal that I feel really sick and nauseous in my first trimester to the point of unable to function as normal? I constantly have a bad headache and the dizziness is affecting me and my daily life. Unable to go to work too and I had to keep sleeping to feel better. I have never heard my friends or seen my colleagues like this before when they were pregnant. Is it normal? Anyone can share their experience?

Oh, yes.. I had dizziness and nausea from week 6. I also had metallic taste in my mouth so I couldn’t enjoy food, had mood swings so I cried very easily.. I was extremely sleepy and lethargic as well. Could not do much and I was miserable. It got better in the second trimester. Hang in there 💪💪 I took leave from work and went back after about 3 months because there was no way I could be up and about. It gets better. And my sweet friend always reminds me to lie down as it solves most pregnancy problems. I hope you can arrange to take leave or work from home so that you can take naps. Jia you, mummy! 💪💪💪
Read moreI experienced the same thing as you do! I felt really lethargic and tired and also feel like sleeping and also lying down the whole day! Been to the doctor and was given an 11 day MC and bed rest as I have had a miscarriage before. Its normal to feel dizzy and nauseous. No worries! :) Things will get better, take care of your health and may He ease all of your affairs! 😊😊
Read moreSorry for the late reply! I got my MC from my gynae from a private hospital. From Parkway East, to be exact. I've been having heavy bleeding and was told to bed rest and was given an 11-day long MC. 😁
I'm honestly wondering if I should tell my boss because I can't function well with the nausea and fatigue daily. I have to lie down for a while every few hours. I'm only lucky since covid I can wfh. Maybe u can tell your direct supervisor and see if they can arrange something for you.
Mine got really bad that I took a month off work and even stepped down from a manager position. I even requested a change of contract so I had lesser hours and lesser responsibilities just so I can cope with this pregnancy.
It’s normal to feel that way. Different people act differently. I’ve been dealing with constant bad headaches and dizziness as well. In fact for the whole 9 months of my pregnancy. It got better only after giving birth. Stay strong ! 💞
I’m in my first trimester now as well. I’m feeling the same as you except that I don’t have headache but always feeling er xin. Yes, I also keep lying down on bed but the feeling is not making you sleepy but more to like just lying on bed.
Yes to nausea and yes to extreme tiredness. I’m sneaking afternoon naps these days. Maybe tell ur gynae to get some meds to help? My gynae gave me some meds for the nausea and it has helped greatly.
I was like that till trim 2! V annoying n mini depressing I must admit. Count down to the number of days if it makes u feel better. N yes take some med frm yr dr it may help. It will pass, fighting!!
Yes, its normal. I was bedridden for a whole 3 months when I had my first born. Whenever I stand, I will always feel like Im gonna pass out. Just becareful & have as much rest as possible.
During first few weeks of pregnancy, I just wanted to sleep 14 hours a day. I feel sleepy most of the time at work. But my energy gets better as weeks go by. Hang in there