first trimester feeling

Hi, is it normal that I feel really sick and nauseous in my first trimester to the point of unable to function as normal? I constantly have a bad headache and the dizziness is affecting me and my daily life. Unable to go to work too and I had to keep sleeping to feel better. I have never heard my friends or seen my colleagues like this before when they were pregnant. Is it normal? Anyone can share their experience?

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Hi it's common to feel nauseous. If you really feel unwell, you may want to stop work for a couple of weeks. I took 2 weeks leave after week 6

Hello. I’m also experiencing light headed dizziness and headaches that gets better after a nap. Probably can check with your doc if this is normal

Super Mum

Ya. It can be quite difficult for some individuals. Pls inform ur boss so that they'll understand and not take it as a issue on ur work performance

I'm at week 6 and MS started at week 5.. such a tough period to go through...I'm still working and I don't know how long I can take it...

VIP Member

Same here . I sleep throughout my night shift . Took MC alot . Till I have to take 4 months off .

Same. I was sleeping all the time. Nausea as well. It lasted till my 12th week. 😩😩

5y ago

Were you on sick leave? Were your bosses understanding? What did you tell your colleagues who had to cover your work?

Same here.. I try to sleep the nausea away. Take care and hang in there!

Same here. I took no pay leave throughout my first trimester.. lolll

Is it normal for me to not experience any nausea at all at 8 weeks 🙈

4y ago

Shut yr mouth b*tcg