Feeling cold easily
Hi, is it normal to feel cold easily now that I am pregnant? I’m 5 weeks at the moment.

Me too!! I need to turn off the aircon most of the time. If it's windy outside I get scared too cos will instantly make me feel worse. Drink more warm ginger :)
Normal. I felt cold to the point I wore socks and fleece to sleep for around 2 weeks in my first pregnancy. Second pregnancy I haven’t felt the cold till now, though.
Mummy we are alike. I feel cold constantly unlike my first pregnancy. Try to wear sth cooling underneath n a sweater. U will be fine =)
Me too! I thought that carrying an extra person inside will make me warmer but I'm the opposite! I feel colder than b4
Depands on individual, i guess! I constantly feel hot always, needs 3 fan to keep me cool
i feel cold easily during my 1st trimester then 2nd trimester onwards i feel hot easily
I felt hot most of the time. I guess everyone is different :)
Yes this is quite normal, nothing to worry about!
Yes it's normal. Bring jacket when out
I feel more hot than cold...
Isaiah’s mom