Loss appetite
Its normal during an early pregnant i lost my appetite:( ??

Dont worry aliya, no appetite are very common among pregnant women in their 1st trimester. Some may experience till the beginning of the 2nd trimester and for multiple gestation, it can stay until the third 😂 (hopefully not) sis just continue drink alot of water, eat small portions but more frequent meals and avoid strong-smelling, fatty and spicy foods okay. Best of luck ✌🏻🙂
Baca lagii think its common due to increasing of hormone. some might added more weight but some may lose weight, observe your nausea if its getting worse as it might contribute to you losing weight.
Alhamdulillah it's not worse at all. I still can cook hehe tq for your concern😊❤️
Normal..maybe it's one of your morning sickness .. try to eat a bit and see whether the dishes fulfills your appetite or else try to take fruits or soup if can :)
thankyou sis💕 Inshallah will do :)
Normal. InshaAllah masuk trimester ke-2, selera dah semakin pulih. ☺️ Tp still kena jaga makan utk kandungan.
Hehe baik sis. Tq ❤️
common. makan sikit tapi kerap. amalkan diet seimbang. buah dan sayur dan air masak secukupnya
Baik sis. Thankyou 😊
Broadcaster turn into housewife ❤️