Is it normal for a 19 months old toddler to start throwing tantrums when she cannot get her way? My LO has recently been more temperamental and likes to throw tantrums when we do not give in to her. She will yell and cry loudly and wants to lie down on the floor even when we are outside. Could share how do you deal with such situations?

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same mommies. minsan hihiga sa floor until mauntog sya. :( what I do is idivert attention niya until she calms down.

yes. it's very annoying. my baby girl will cry and throw herself down. but I dont give in to her demands easily.

Terrible 2 phase. Very very normal. We still have horrible 3 & 4 phase to go through. Jiayou!

Yes my boy too . Headache !!! But I try my best to tell him why cannot do this and that .

VIP Member

Yes perfectly normal, just have to be patient and discipline when necessary


VIP Member

My 18 months old daughter does it to...

Nako mommy ung sa baby ko din. sobraaaa

Same as me. She screams out so loud

VIP Member

My girl too. Headache.