How do parents handling preschooler throwing tantrums and it's getting more and more frequent? My preschool girl now seems showing her tantrums quite often, showing angry expression and bang the door loudly. We have been talking to her on this issue and it does happen when she is angry.

For younger kids, 1-2 year olds, a tantrum could be his or her way of communicating since they can't talk or express themselves well yet, especially when you don't adequately "respond" to what they're "saying". But for older kids like preschoolers, I read that a tantrum is more of a power struggle. They are in school, exposed to other people outside the family circle and as such, have gained some autonomy. In short, they know what they want and they are not afraid of asserting their demands. If the tantrum happens at home, my friend would just let the little boy cry it out and wait till he is calmed down before trying to talk to him. When he is in his tantrum, nothing will go through so they just let him "let it go". If it's out in the public, the same method is applied but she will take her son somewhere quieter, be it the toilet or the car, and let him cry it out the same way.
Read moreNaughty corner, make sure you are firm with her. Ignore her if she continue to throw her temper, soon she will know give in, than she will get to play together instead of being alone. School uses this method plus me using together become a very gd method. if you can find this series to watch, it's very good, she teaches you how to handles different type of kids. And making the method success.
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Mumsy of 3 bubbly little diva