6 Replies

VIP Member

I'm planning to order a few boxes for really close family and friends to share the joy with them while inserting a pic of my bb's newborn shoot photo for their keepsake and delivering it personally to them during 1st month. We intend to celebrate 100 days instead, so probably prep a basket of red eggs and some ang ku kueh for the attending guests for the celebration together with a small door gift

VIP Member

It’s up to individuals comfort level, if your income doesn’t let you give everyone a box, don’t need bother. Some might don’t want also. Last time practice is given to family only. Not everyone, so up to your own comfort level. Everything changes also, more modern instead

For me I buy cake voucher for my relatives to collect on shop one family each (valid one year from the date you purchase) . During full month celebration I order buffet and ang yee, red egg and some cup cakes for friends to eat instead of bringing back.

VIP Member

I skipped full month but did 100 days instead , I gave customised sticky candy instead of traditional gifts

Super Mum

Seems to be common nowadays. I think do what you’re comfortable with?

Super Mum

U can give other custom made pastries alao

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