Baby and Renovations

My neighbour is doing renovations to his place now and will take 2 months to complete. My baby can sleep through the drilling but I am going bonkers by all the drilling and hacking. Other than the noise, I am worried about the dust. I want to go out but I don’t want to expose my baby unnecessarily due to the Wuhan virus. What can I do?

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Close your doors and windows and on air purifier. Think the noise is unavoidable if they are doing it during the HDB consented time frame.

VIP Member

By any chance, can you move to in laws or back to your mum place for the time being? I am no sure just blindly suggesting. Hope it helps

VIP Member

Close all doors and windows. Block all the holes or gaps with clothes. Then turn on aircond. "Invest" in Amway Atmosphere air filter

Hey, Please do wear the N95 masks when you go out with the baby and also keep doors and windows closed and air purifier on.

Super Mum

My baby and I kind of like the white noise that I downloaded from the App Store. You can try

Super Mum

Turn on air con and air filter at home.

Super Mum

Wear n95 when go out