Need to engage confinement nanny for just 1 week, where can I engage a nanny for service of 1 week only?

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Gladys Yip from However, it will be quite expensive to engage CL for just 1 week. Alternatively, you can try to order confinement catering from Natal Essentials or TMC if you just want someone to cook confinement food for you for that particular week. If you wish someone to take care of your baby, you can consider to engage from agency.

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It's pretty difficult to engage a confinement nanny for just a week unless you opt the following options: - takeover someone's confinement nanny - get help from a family member, could be your mum/mother in law, etc

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Thomson Medical Confinement Nanny service has a service for 2 weeks. Not sure anyone does 1 week.
