need help. first time mummy here. my dau is turning 6mths. any ideas of solid food or nestum pls?? breakfast lunch n dinner give what. i am so stress. dont know what to do.

At six months old and when first introducing solids, breast milk should still be the main form of nutrients. So you can try just substituting one of the feedings as in introduction to solids. Gradually change over to solids as your baby shows more interest in solids to help ensure that she is getting enough nutrients for growth. One of my friends did that for her baby. She started solids when her baby was around 6 months old as well. Replaced his evening feeding with solids so that he could still have the night feeding even if he did not eat much solid food. The process was slow as her son did not seemed interested in the food but with time, she managed to find some food he prefers and the type of texture he enjoys. She then gave him some small snacks in between and gradually increased the number of solid meals. Still, she will give him breast milk in the morning and at night and sometimes as a snack when he asks for it. Every baby is different, so you may need to react according to how your baby respond to solids. As for what to give your baby, rice cereal, porridge and purees are the top choices. You may find this article useful: Hope this helps! :)
Read moreChildren grows up very fast. 6mths old and it is time to start semi solids. You can try puree like potatoes, carrots, broccoli, etc ... No matter wat, please try only 1 type at a time. I usually will wait for at least 5-7 days before trying another. For easy way, can get nestle rice cereal. Easy to wat and digest.
Read moreHey mummy! Check out Annabelle Karmel she has food ideas for babies, fussy eaters and even the whole family. Above all that they are taste good and can be whipled up in a jiffy. Here goes Have a great morning.
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