Hi there. Can share what kind of solid food you give when baby turns 6mths. Breakfast?? Lunch?? and Dinner?? Thank you

You can start with simple and basic food like oatmeal or rice cereal. You can also puree carrots, peaches, apples or sweet potatoes. Some parents also try softer fruits like banana. Try a different mixture of tastes and textures. Here is a list for your reference: (taken from http://sg.theasianparent.com/baby-food-basics/) - Avacado: Avocados are full of essential fats and nutrients for your little one, including vitamins A, C, niacin and folate; and the minerals potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and calcium. - Pears: Containing vitamins A, C and folate, and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium, pears are an ideal first food for your baby. - Sweet potato: This vibrant orange yam is a super-food and is chock-full of vitamins such as vitamins A, C and folate, and minerals like potassium, selenium, magnesium and calcium. - Pumpkin: A strong favourite with babies, pumpkin is loaded with vitamin A and beta carotene, and is also a great source of potassium, protein and iron. - Banana: Another popular first food choice for babies, bananas contain vitamins A, C and folate, and minerals like potassium, selenium, magnesium and calcium. Here’s another great article that touches on preparing for the process of introducing solid food to your baby: http://sg.theasianparent.com/introducing-solid-food-to-your-baby-in-4-easy-steps/ As a start, breastmilk sound still remain as the baby's main source of nutrients. Hence, you can consider just substituting one feeding with solids. You can also try just adding in a small snack (solid food) in between feeds. This is just to let baby get used to the idea of having solid food.
Read moreHi there, you can start off by giving your baby fruit or veggie purees. Carrots and sweet potato puree is a popular choice. Alternatively, the traditional route would be to feed baby rice cereals. Here's a sample daily menu for a 6 month old that you can get some inspiration from :)

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At 6months old, for breakfast oats with applesauce, lunch potato and carrots, dinner cereal with pears puree. I steam and puree everything. After each meal rinse mouth with water.
Baby oats, mashed potato