Need advice, I've been direct latching my LO every 3 hourly when it's his feeding time for 10-20 mins per side but he never seems satisfied and would pull back and scream towards the end of the session even if I change sides (meaning left-right-left) Does that mean there is no more milk inside? I always resort to topping up with fm and he will not finish what he usually will if he is on pure bottle feed; meaning if he usually finishes 120ml on the bottle, he will only take 60-70ml after the direct latching. I've tried pumping out but the output is miserable. Need help! Taking red dates drink, lots of soup and water, fish, fenugreek, no use!!

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Not too sure about your case. Whenever baby tugs during feeds, he is usually either blocked, or too cranky and wants to sleep. How old is your lo? When my lo was about 2 months he latched 45mins to an hour. Took forever! Regarding milk, i practice back to basics and nothing else. Meaning, water, rest, meals and pumping. Nothing else. Oh, i set up a time as well, for instance every 2 hours or so ill drink water. Till date, thankfully my supply is okay.

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8y ago

LO is almost 3 weeks old. How did you know when your LO was done nursing instead of comfort nursing? My LO only give a few hard suckle before relaxing the rest of the session

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