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Hello my name is Seah Yi Shean a Y3S1 student from Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons), UTAR Sungai Long Campus. I'm currently undergoing a study *Post-natal functional abilities and its association with depression following cesarean section* I would like to invite you to participate in my FYP research study. This will only be a one-time participation only *Purpose of the Research Study* This study is aimed to determine the association between woman's functional abilities after giving birth and the prevalence of experiencing postpartum depression following cesarean section. *Inclusion Criteria* * Postnatal mothers who give birth at the initial 2 weeks to 3 months * Postnatal mothers who give birth by cesarean method * Women aged between 18-35 years old * Having a live, healthy, and term infant. All you need to do is fill in a 10-15 min Questionnaire Once you had done the questionnaire, I sincerely appreciate your help! You will have the opportunity to participate in a lucky draw event and the lucky draw has 3 prizes waiting for you to win it‼️ If you have any issue please feel free to contact 0124580116 (Seah Yi Shean)

Stand a chance to win Watsons Voucher worth RM160!! Jawab survey kat bawah ye..
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