Minum jus lobak semasa hamil boleh ke tidak?
Hi, nak tanya, minum jus lobak semasa hamil boleh ke tidak? Tq
9 Balas

Tulis jawapan
Iolls tolong google ya.. hehe Carrot juice is able to refresh a tired mommy. In addition, carrot juice can prevent high blood pressure, pre-eclampsia, and reduce blood sugar levels for mommy who has diabetes disorders. Therefore, carrots also become one of the healthy foods for pregnant women.
rasanya okay je kot kalau air buah. saya baru minum jus lobak mnggu lepas. alhamdulillah okay
sy slalu je minum sbb jus lobak bgus utk janin.. utk mata dia, kulit dia...
okey je.. kenapa? ada dengar apa2 mitos ke? 🤭
4y ago
Bole jeeeee
boleh je sis
ok je
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