My son just turned 1 and he is getting very bored with his toys at home. Besides Julia Gabriel which is too far for me, any suggestions for classes to bring him to?

If you do a Google search, you'll find many centres which offered parent-accompanied classes. If distance is priority, then search for a centre closer to home. Then search & read reviews by other parents and go for a trial class first if unsure. My elder girl went for Julia Gabriel playgroup and Shichida before. My younger one went for Leap Schoolhouse & Gymboree. To be honest, I just want them to interact with other kids while at the same time, have structured bonding time with them. Out of those I tried, I still prefer Julia Gabriel as the teachers were very good and the Programme was more structured. The Teachers speak proper English. As for those brain training classes like Shichida & Heguru, it's very good if you have time to do a lot of follow-up at home (like doing flash cards). My girl didn't enjoy going and I was too lazy to do extra work at home so those classes were not beneficial but I did pick up some learning ideas & activities I could try at home. Eventually, I found all these classes too costly if all I wanted was for them to have more social interaction with other kids. I also started joining those play dates organised by other mummies and organised my own play dates with friends who have kids around the same age. As for learning, I read a lot of books, played wooden puzzles and brought her outdoors to see new things. Just remember to go for a trial class if unsure which class to sign up for. Preferably go for a trial class conducted by the same teacher if you eventually decide to sign up after trial. Beside the programme, I think having a well-trained & engaging teacher or trainer is another critical factor.
Read moreGymboree have classes according to ur LO age, and learn different things. They have 2 outlets, harbourfront or tanglin. this is for tanglin schedule, you go their website to check for harbourfront if you prefer there, as i'm not sure where you stay too. You can apply for the trial class 1st and try out before getting their packages too.
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Samantha, where do u live? You may wana consider swim classes. Can also try kindermusik if not too far from ur place. Alternative u may use this to consider the type of courses or activities that u want ur kid to. Engage with.
Promo terbesar expert care sudah dimulai, diskon hingga Rp.100.000 sedang berlangsung di shopee, ada juga voucher diskon 100% alias gratis bagi bunda yang beruntung. Buruan cek di (id-526)
If you are looking for parent accompanied classes, you can consider Kindermusik, Gym class such as My Gym, right brain classes such as Heguru and Shichida.
right brain classes? ie herugu, shichida? These are suitable for young kids. Increase bonding too! parents accompanied class!
Depends on what type of classes are Goh looking for. Mygym? Babyspa? Gymboree?
Brought my kids to Beary Fun and my kids love it!