2 Replies

Hi Cindy, it's normal that infants snorts. babies are “obligate nose breathers,” in order to keep their mouths available for sucking and eating. The nasal passages help keep tiny noses clear by producing lots of thin clear mucus secretions. Clear or yellowish thin nasal mucus from the nose does not mean your baby has a cold. During the day, your baby is upright and you may see drips from the nose, but at night, when your baby lays on his back, the mucus collects in the back of the nose or throat, leading to those normal but concerning congested or whistling sounds. If your baby is breathing just fine from his nose, all is well and nothing should be done. If congestion interferes with his ability to comfortably eat and breathe at the same time, then you may choose to use the saline drops and that pigeon muscus remover to help loosen and remove the mucus. That explains sleeping in an air-conditioned room is dry, therefore it dries up the mucus which leads to louder snorts. try using a cool-mist humidifier in the room where your baby sleeps. This will help keep nasal secretions loose and also prevents other types of dry-air-related night waking. - See more at: http://www.babyandcompany.com/blog/baby-congestion-snorting-snuffling-sneezing/#sthash.UoGaMzzq.dpuf

thanks love

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