My daughter is 5 months old. I know she isn't ready to wean yet. She has started waking through the night and seems very hungry. Do you think its time start with the solids ?

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It could be sleep regression or growth spurt. If your baby's daytime didn't nap well, it might be a sleep regression. Try to avoid over-stimulation/over-tiredness during daytime and establish a scheduled naps for baby to see if it will improve. If daytime naps are well established already, it might be baby going through a growth spurt. You can offer more milk/breastfeed more often during daytime.

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Waking in the night is one of the signs your baby is ready for weaning but it's not the only sign. Baby has to take interest in food first and able to sit upright minimally unassisted. At 5 months my baby started to wake up every 2 hours at night. Even after starting solids it was slightly better but still about 3 hour on average, sometimes shorter. So I don't think solids helped but you could try.

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it might be the sleep regression phase which affects 4-5mo... growth spurts also contribute to frequent feeding at night. wouldn't recommend starting solids so soon though, esp if she cant sit upright and unsupported on her own. does she take a night feed before bed?

My paed asked me to start only once she was able to sit up by herself and showed any interest in good, I.e. She would follow me as I put food or a drink in my mouth. It did help with the sleeping once I started her on solids though! :)

Are you exclusively breastfeeding? Perhaps she needs an additional feed?

She may be going through a growth spurt. Just give her extra milk :)
