4 Replies

At 6w, the very common deduction would be colic or reflux. Avoid any colic causing diet like cabbage etc. You can Google for a list of them. Burp your bub after each feed. You can also offer baby probiotics like BioGaia (approx $45 from pharmacies). Studies have shown a positive relationship between probiotics and colic, but no in-depth studies have explained why. Another possibility may be sensitivity to your diet. But if your family does not have any food allergies history, you need not worry about it now.

Colic is the most commonly found issues among infants. As they are very young of age, their body has yet to learn how to get rid of wind in their body. The techniques you have about breastfeeding is very important too. Although, the chances of breastfeeding baby getting colic is relatively lower but that doesn't mean they wont. If you don't breastfeed baby properly, they too can get colic.

High chance is colic. Colic is quite common among infants. There is no particular reason as to how babies get colic. Well, as they are young, they might not know how to dispel wind out of their body yet. Try burping baby after each meal or in between feeds. As you are breastfeeding, the way the baby latch does play a part too.

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