My boy is starting to throw tantrums in public. And shouts at us when we raise our voices at him. What should we do without creating a scene?? It's so trying :(

Set his expectations right even before stepping out of the house. Since he already has an antecedent throwing tantrums in public, make clear to him that it is not allowed. Let him know the consequences of not obeying (no tv, no snacks or whatever) and stick to it. If he decides to throw a tantrum, finish up whatever you're doing and head home without saying anything. I would do the disciplining at home. So either he gets punished in his timeout zone or time for a good talk. I wouldn't raise my voice at him in public. He needs to be respected too. :)
Read moreI won't give in. Once you give in to his tantrum, it will reinforce his thinking that screaming gets him whatever he wants and it will be a never-ending cycle. My friend actually told her daughter who was having a meltdown to cry louder and let everyone hear her. Interestingly, the girl stopped crying. Guess they're at the age where they hate listening to instructions.
Read moreWe're experiencing the same too and will use soft approach first by telling her sternly to stop that behaviour. if it doesnt work, we raise our voices and warn her by counting to 3. if she continues to ignore it, one of us will spank her. not the most ideal way either but we want to maintain the same consistent message whether we're in or out of the home.
Read moreCommunicate a set of limits before you go for shopping. E.g. no buying toys etc. This normally work for me to avoid meltdown in public. If u find him throwing tantrum is due to sleepiness, console him by telling him we are going back home soon. If just throwing tantrums out of no where, just bring the child to one corner and let him finish his meltdown.
Read moreWhat you can do is to speak to your child before you go out and to remind him what is allowed and not allowed, and also what are the consequences if he does that. If you find that tantrums usually happen at a particular place (eg. supermarket, restaurant), remind your child before u reach the place again.
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Well.... for me I will give in because I don't like to create a scene outside, I cannot stand getting unwanted attention outside.. not the best way I know... :(
You can talk to him regarding his behaviour and tey and explain him about the consequences if he goes past strike 3
thanks for all the suggestions and advice mums! I hope we'll find a method that works soon. cheers!
Whisper to him that there will be consequences like a time out.