My 5 month girl always yells and cries when I tap her for a nap. But when hubby or others tap her to sleep she doesn't cry and just falls asleep in their arms. This has been going on since she was born.

Babies like to cuddle a lot. If you baby girl is crying, that could mean she wants to held close to you. Try changing the way you have been carrying her and find her comfort place. Also, while putting her to sleep try to communicate with her by like singing lullabies, reading story books etc. Just before bed time , you can even gently massage her back with essential oils as it sooths the toddlers. Another thing is, try wearing comfortable clothes while carrying her as she might be getting irritated with certain fabrics. Hope it helps !!!
Read moreIf you are still breastfeeding, you could try nursing her to sleep. It could also be due to the position or the way you carry her. Try to find a position which she likes being carried in. For mine, she likes being upright and is likelier to wail when she is carried in a cradle position. Try singing to her softly whilst carrying her as your voice is the most familiar to her and will soothe her.
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Try putting your baby to sleep by holding her close in your arms, keeping her on the bed and gently putting her to sleep without tapping. Basically just try new ways that work for you and stop tapping if your baby doesnt like it.
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