Baby won’t sleep ifc

My baby has been going to ifc for 1 month. She’s currently 5 months. In the app the teachers only update 1 nap per day. I’m not sure what’s going on I have raised it up but she still does not sleep. I’m really worried. In the evenings she would take 1 hour to sleep because she is exhausted. At home on weekends she is okay to take naps. I’m not sure why she is having difficulty in school. I don’t rock her to sleep by the way I just tap her and the teachers know this. Help is this normal should I get upset they are not trying to help her sleep or what can I do? Any tips moms SOS

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Hi mummy! I understand your worries and anxiety. But do understand that even we as adults need time to get used to change, what more a baby being placed in a different environment, away from her comfort zone. She's entering a totally different world, much different than what she's used to for the past four months. Babies in ifc also sleep at different times, so the noise and crying a might affect her ability to sleep and the quality of sleep. It's only been a month, and it might take a few more weeks or even months for baby to settle in to the new routines in school. With these changes, her behaviour or routine at home might change too. The change might seem Small for us, but it's huge for them. Remember that they are still so young. So please be a bit more patient with the teachers as I'm sure they are also trying their best. You can check in with them by texting them via the app, or talking to them during pickup/drop off. Ask them if there's also anything you can do at home to facilitate the change.

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Hi mummy, my girl also couldn’t nap well in ifc. Usually only 30-40 mins nap. She will nap in teacher’s arms but wake up immediately when teacher puts her down in the bed. I think it could be all the noise and activities that make her want to stay awake instead 😅 i don’t blame the teachers cos they can’t possibly pat or hug every baby to sleep all the time. I feel that as long as baby is able to sleep well at night to “pay off” the sleep debt, it should be fine. My girl is still very active and growing well, and always happy to go to ifc.

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I think sometimes there is nap but could be cat naps which the teacher might nt be able to remember n record down. The past 2 days I sat in for my son's ifc orientation and saw behind the scene how chaotic when all the babies want attention (esp older ones at 8-9months). I believe they are trying their best too

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Give baby some time. Maybe it’s the noise, changes in the sound, the surroundings, the people. Baby needs to feel comfortable and emotional safe, just like us too.

8mo ago

Agree. The only thing is to give baby time to adapt! My baby also took quite a while to nap properly in scchool. Mainly because diff environment and imagine few baby crying, shouting, teacher’s voice, songs, that would def make baby awake





