My 3 year old is still not toilet trained. She knows when she wants to pee or poop and if I remove her diaper and put her on the toilet seat, she will just not do it. But after a while either I make her put on the diaper or she forces me to put it on for her and then she'll relieve herself. There have been number of incidents accidents when I have left her off diapers and she's done it on the floor. Then she will come and tell me that she's done it. I see lot of Indian kids around being trained at a young age whereas when I read up on Babycentre about Europe and US, it's considered normal if the child is not trained till they are about 5. My issue is she'd be starting Nursery next year and the schools here require her to be fully toilet trained. Any tips will be very much appreciated.

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Healthy children aren't physically and emotionally ready to start using a potty until they are between 18 months and three years old. Boys tend to be ready a few months later than girls. Most parents start the training when their children are between two years and three years old. Very importantly is that you must ensure that your child is ready for potty training. While he's potty training, your child will be looking to you for positive reinforcement of his new skills. Don't disappoint him. Whenever he moves on to a new step or tries to use his potty, tell him he's doing well, and that you're proud of him. Though don't go so overboard with praise that he becomes nervous and afraid to fail, as this may lead to more accidents. Virtually every child will have accidents before being completely trained during the day and at night. Try not to get angry or punish your child. Mastering the process will take time. When he has an accident, calmly clean it up, and suggest that next time he tries using his potty.

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