chicken pox

Is it a must to get chicken pox?

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Super Mum

Getting the disease or getting chicken pox? I had the disease before. It made me miserable, and it’s extremely infectious. I let my elder daughter get the vaccination, which protects her both from chicken pox and shingles. Best decision ever. My younger one will take it once she hits 1 year old

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5y ago

Won’t get the disease. Some vaccines require boosters in the future.

VIP Member

Vaccination? To me yes haha. U wouldn’t wanna go thru 2-3 weeks or longer, absence for work ( if u are working ) or extra exhausting weeks for u Baby May fever, loss appetite, itchy or pain , excessive of crying

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VIP Member

Vaccinate!! I had chicken pox when i was younger and it was MISERABLE. Chicken pox is not just a harmless rite of passage, people have died from it. Since there is a vaccination now, take it!

Yes. Although most cases of chicken pox occur before age 10, adults who have never contracted the infection are still at risk.

VIP Member

Vaccination is essential. I had varicella vaccinated when I was young and till now I still have not had chicken pox

VIP Member

Vax? I think it's important.

VIP Member

No. Will opt for vaccination

The vaccination is optional

Nope. Vaccination is a must

VIP Member

No, its optional.