4 Replies

Yes mummy to be, this is normal.. I had all kind of nightmares when i having my girl.. Once even till I woke up with tears and refused to let my hubby go work.. It lasted til third trimester.. But all pregnancy are different, so maybe yours could stop earlier than mine.. And I do not really hv on second pregnancy..

hi mummy.. its normal. its very frequent to have dreams when you're preggy. idk why.. but its just science. even I'm at 33weeks now, I just woke up from a nightmare last night. 🤣 sometimes even real deep sleeps.

Indeed! I’m at 11 weeks now and since week 9 onwards I get very very weird dreams. I spray some lavender pillow scent (check the ingredients!) and I think it helps soothe me a little.

Hi mummy, it’s normal. I have frequent nightmares instead of dreams during pregnancy. It will be better after birth. 😊

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