Hey Mummy I seriously need advice and your iputs. My husband has a mistress. And is his colleague. Both of them are Police Officers. Married with my Husband coming 2 years. I have 15 month old lo. My husband is not coming home almost a month. I talk to my family n in law abt the situation. My in law ask me wat i am going to do. Whether to accept or divource. Coz the thing now is he is avoiding all sms n call from all of us. He doesnt want to come infront of us. I have made up my mind to get separation. But the thing is how to talk to him n get him to sign. Now our house is only 1 yr old that we bought from resale. I sms or call. He is not interested. I m seriously devasted. I really dont know wat to do. His parents also feel so sad n discusted.

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Proceed to file separation.

VIP Member

How long has the affair been?

7y ago

1 month