
hi mummy’s. anyone experience their baby with constipation? been feeding my baby with porrige+carrot puree and i notice she will poopoo after two days. is that normal? from what I observed she does not show any signs of constipation (not fussy,no crying, poops a bit but poopoo is not hard at all). I’m confuse either is is having constipation or not ?

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Tulis jawapan

When she start eating it is normal if she not poo poo everyday . My baby poo poo every two or three days , 9m already but the poo poo is soft and never having constipation before . If you are worried , make sure she drink enough water 2oz and eat small amount of fruit . But sometime there are babies cant eat carrot or brocolli which can cause constipation to them

Baca lagi
5y ago
