Top-up after DBF but not overfeeding

Hi mommies, i am a first-time mommy.. my baby is 1 mo++ now and i am having a challenges on getting him on dbf.. every time after nursing, he seems unsettled and (sometimes) crying as it is not enough for him.. if we do top-up from every feeding, how to know and rest assured that he is not overfed? Most of the time, he spill / vomit after feeding.. Thank you mommies..

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my baby often overfed until she vomit before. then i found out that sometimes babies just wants to be near us so they act like its not enough. just looks for cues. babies would sucks rhythmically when hungry, if it seems slow (suck, stop... then suck again, then stop) maybe he's full but just wants to be near you. i had to offer pacifier for my baby to avoid overfeeding even though i actually dont want to. it works, and my baby would reject pacifier if she's really hungry

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Hi, I practiced mix feeding (dbf + fm) at times when I needed. Usually I would prepared half of the recommended portion (e.g 1 oz of 2 oz) to avoid wastage. Do also look for signs of fullness in baby to prevent overfeeding, such as turn away from bottle, fall asleep and milk overflow in their mouth. But most of the time they will know when to stop when full.

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