Hospital Bag

Any mummy here can advice what to pack in the hospital bag? Will be deliver in kkh. Thank you..

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1 set of clothes for mummy 1 set of clothes for baby (includes mittens, socks, hat) Toiletries (I prefer my own though KKH provide the basic) Nursing bra Slippers Charger 1 Nursing breast pad (standby, can use on day discharge) 3-4 Nipple wipes IC Haakaa Marriage cert if you want to register baby cert at KKH

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Super Mum

Your own set of clothes to wear home Toiletries/skincare Mobile phone charger Baby' set of clothes to wear home (incl. mittens, booties & swaddle) Maternity pads, disposable underwear, diapers are provided (or rather we pay for them). Hosp swaddles baby too during the hosp stay.

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I packed mine with toiletries of my own, a set of clothes for discharge, 2 sets of clothes for newborn (hats, mittens, socks), charger. They provided me with disposable undies and maternity pads after the delivery.

5y ago

Ok i da message you! Check your messenger. :)

Discharge cloth for u n baby