Hello mummies, I'm 3 weeks ppd, but I try to pump 30 mins each time only have around 10ml for both sides, am I considered low supply? I feel so tired sitting the same position pumping but only getting such a low supply.

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Not sure if you are feeding on demand. You may find this article useful: http://www.emmapickettbreastfeedingsupport.com/twitter-and-blog/low-milk-supply-101 According to the article, it may not be a supply issue as pumping and breastfeeding are actually unrelated. Your baby removes milk in a different way as compared to the pump. Plenty of women with healthy milk supplies fail to pump much at all. Their bodies can’t be tricked into eliciting the milk ejection reflex (or ‘letdown’). Also, it may be a pump issue if the suction is not strong enough. If your baby is getting enough and gaining weight healthily, you need not be too stressed over this (as stress may affect supply as well). Unless you need to build a stash, feeding on demand should be quite adequate for now. Continue trying to pump if you are trying to build a stash. Drink plenty of water and no harm experimenting with different milk boosters. Jia you!!

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Do you nurse your baby at times, or are you exclusively pumping? A friend of mine has a similar issue with pumping out little milk but strangely, when she breastfeeds, the flow is quite good. If you are experiencing low supply both ways, maybe eating milk boosters will help (if you haven't already). The same friend would eat foods with coconut milk for lunch (thai, indian foods) and when she gets back to the office, she'd pump and it works.

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Well sometime pumping might not works well. Perhap you can try to massage your breast and try hands on squeeze method ane might achieve higher volume. Or alternative try to allow baby to latch on so the flow will be better . You can also try some milk boosters such as eating durians or trying some papaya soup or milk

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