Hi mummies! I am a SAHM of a (almost) 6 months old girl who is on total breastfeeding (DL). Lately, I've been receiving snide remarks from certain people saying I don't even know how much my baby drinks at each feed and I'm silly for not giving FM to baby. I latch on demand eversince she started rejecting bottles and I don't see a point in forcing bottles on her since I'm her main caregiver anyway. My question is - Is it possible to tell how much she drinks per feed? If i am DL her for all her feeds, should i still be pumping to maintain supply or will latching on demand work the same? Thank you!

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I have been dl my baby for the past 7 months. Not an issue. There is no need to worry about your supply, babies are smart they will know how much they need and our body will produce it. Nevertheless, we need to keep ourselves hydrated if she is gaining weight and growing well. Keep it up! :)