6 Replies

i been getting brown discharge for abt 10days and im in week5day2. my scan isnt due until week8 but i went to a gp to get my blood drawn for hcg levels to confirm that my levels are normal and increasing. GP mentioned its normal and as long as not red no severe cramps is okay.

yes around 7.5weeks? so far keeping faith baby is growing well since hcg numbers are good and im oso experiencing all e pregnancy symptoms like boobs sensitivity n backaches

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VIP Member

i suggest u visit ur gynae. my gynae is very particular abt this. my fren had a mishap because she thgt it was nth

pls check with gynae... any discomfort or symptoms you feel "new" to you, do call your gynae to ask.

Thank u all for your advice!

VIP Member

I would suggest to consult gynae

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