Mummies who are SAHM, would you mind sharing how much is your household income like? I've been longing to be SAHM. My hubby is working as a freelance tutor with take home salary of around $4k. However, we have some liabilities like loans, etc. Both of us know that it's not enough to survive on one person income especially when we still have a 6 months old baby. So.. I can stop thinking about being SAHM not for the time being. Just curious.. How do the rest of the SAHM manage with single income?

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Ive been a stay at home mom for a year and for a while we were just getting by, I managed the paying the bills and we would budget everything, what we needed and what we didn't, more home cooked meals vs fast food, more boxed store brand food vs name brand, limit alot of driving to save on gas. Limiting is the biggest, it's not easy but also not that hard, now with pay raises its gotten so much easier that we do not have to worry, I still by budget, but we can splurg every now and again. I have my own car, he has his own car, we have a house. we now have 2 kids my daughter age 10 and our child together age 1 1/2. It's hard at first and it definitely can put a strain on a marriage but keep working at it and keep a routine, definitely communicate and keep on the same page and it gets easier.

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Have you observed him deleting some messages or putting the password on his phone so as you don't have access to it? Has he been experiencing very irritating mood swings every time he comes home? If so, then it's an indication that he must be doing something that is potentially dangerous or he might be cheating on you. If you want to free yourself from doubt without causing chaos in the house, then track his activities....... With help of HACKMART242@GMAIL. COM I was able to monitor my kids and spy on my partner phone without them knowing. If you feel your spouse is texting or seeing another woman or man and you can quite get a real evidence to clear those doubts and know where you stand in the relationship. WWW. HACKMART. ORG

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Became/Decided to be a SAHM when we had our girl. Lots of adjustment... unable to enjoy luxury lifestyle and splurge as and when we wanted to when we were both working... Now have to plan and spend our $ wisely... most of the time cook at home, healthier for our girl too to eat home cooked food, when buy stuff also will compare prices.. Still able to go on trips, just need to plan and search for good deals... No regrets staying home watching my girl grow up, unlocking her every milestones and seeing her smile and laugh everyday.. May go back to work when she goes to school next time, since I will have more time to do my things or work when she goes to school. Having said that, no rush to enroll her to school as for now.

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I am a SAHM for 2 years, planning to go back to work as both my children are attending childcare now. For the past 2 years, we have been living comfortably with 5k salary that my husband is earning but we got to make a lot of adjustments in our lifestyle. For example, we have more home cooked food instead of dining out (actual we find it more healthy as I got check the food we eat), less entertainment (we make it up by playing with my kids “free” activities like cycling, drawing, experiments using expired food dye and vacations. My kids still get to enjoying her pony riding lesson, piano and ballet. It is possible but you just got to find your own way to plan for financial.

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8y ago

Thanks for sharing mummy! It's encouraging to hear that. Absolutely true.. It really depends on the lifestyle we want. Especially when the cost of living is high too.

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it is without a doubt for every mother dream to see our children grows up. however the living expenses in Singapore is so expensive to take the huge step. I decided to be a SAHM after I gave birth to my 4th as we do not have caregiver and to put the rest in SC and infantcare are add on expenses. it is tough to depend on 1 income and we plan it day to day basis or weekly. no more overseas trip this year and many more years to come ☹️. Gave up luxury and to spend more time with the kids and to be able to attend to their sch events without feeling guilty of taking leave is a nice feeling. plus this is the first time im able to watch my baby every milestone is such a bless.

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6y ago

Yes always feel guilty when taking leave.

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Singapore standard of living is quite high. A trip to NTUC easily costs $50 in groceries. Anything less than $8K a month would be really tight squeeze for a family with children. Above that, I believe you got to make it work. For me I was only comfortable quitting to become a SAHM when hubby could give me a certain allowance just for myself that I can comfortably spend on myself, not affecting the household expenditure.

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8y ago

Second that. I'll just have to hang in there and work my a** off for now. Haha!

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Husband earns about 5k. Im a SAHM. Can manage with simple home cooked food cant eat at posh restaurants most of the time. Once in awhile can. Husband settles all the bills. As for my personal things, I sell items online and manage with the cash amount that I have:)