Water in Confinement
Hi mummies, when u r during confinement period, do you drink plain water ?

It depends on how strictly you want to follow confinement rules, and how much your family is agreeable to it. Most of these rules are passed down from even hundreds of years ago in China, where life wasn't anything like the life we have now - having said that, it's also a matter of how much you believe in them and what you want to do for your confinement. For mine, I didn't drink any plain water, only the confinement soups or tons and tons of red date longan water to keep hydrated. I tried to keep to confinement rules as much as I could, but I gave up on some midway and have issues from it until now. I had a TCM massage long after giving birth and I was told that it isn't only confinement that we shout take note of, but also during our periods because that's when our body is the weakest - no strenuous exercise, no cold/spicy food and drinks etc because our body needs the rest.
Read moreI only drank longan red dates tea for my first child and I always ended up w engorgement and fever very frequent, which is really terrible for me. After seeing a TCM, I was advised that I need to drink plain water too to balance out the heatiness in the body as well as flushing impurities. Well, I did consume plain water for my second child and I don’t get fever and engorgement as compared to my first.
Read moreThis comes from the belief that drinking plain water causes water retention or will cool down the body too much. The truth: There is no harm in drinking plain water. In fact, because new mothers tend to sweat heavily because of hormonal changes, they have all the more reason to drink water and keep hydrated.
Read moreHydration is important no matter what you drink. You can drink other drinks but if you get dehydrated because you don't drink plain water that's bad. No scientific proof that drinking plain water is bad in any way, seems like just old wives tale.
I believe not drinking plain water during confinement period is a Chinese myth. Mothers should drink warm water instead of cold. It helps with the body to produce breast milk.
i drink room temp or warm water on daily basis during confinement besides red date tea. it is very important to stay hydrated as well as if you are breastfeeding.
Cannot drink water is a myth. you're gg to get yourself constipated as well http://www.euyansang.com.sg/en/beware-these-6-confinement-myths/eysfertility1.html
I personally don't believe in confinement practices, and drank cold plain water as I always do. I feel perfectly fine despite not following confinement rules.
warm water to eat medicine, other than that i drink the warm red date longan tea. my confinement nanny made it such that its not heaty at all.
yes. warm water.. and longan red dates.. but i didnt have it too much. cause it give me constipated.. so i take warm water more 😀😀