Food for baby
Hi mummies, at what month can I start introducing food other than breastmilk/ Formular milk to LO? My LO is 3 months+ and he had been getting very fussy this few days. My MIL was suggesting to give him teether and she say baby might be sick of breastmilk & formular milk. We can try giving him fruits.

Different babies are ready for solids at different times, and by readiness I mean able to swallow solids well. There is a huge danger in starting solids too early. Many recommendations stilk say 6 months, although some say 4-6 months when baby is ready (and you start in very small quantities, with only certain types of pureed food). It should not be about baby being bored with milk though, because milk is still baby’s main source of nutrition and fluids when less than 1 year old. 3 months old is too early to start solids.
Read more3 months is too young to start solids, baby being fussy is normal as there are some stages in their development that they will be more fussy than normal. It will eventually pass. You should only start feeding solid once baby can sit unsupported
Best not to give anything else as baby gut may not be ready to take in other food. The fussiness may not be due tired of milk , you may want to try to give baby massages or go to an expert to seek help. Take care
I gave my boy frozen milk cubes for him to chew on as he might be teething. Or you could give him a washcloth that you have placed in the freezer. You should start solids between 5-6 months depending on what your PD says.
You can start giving LO purée of fruit from 4 months onwards. Make sure they can sit upright with support. Baby fussing is normal especially during their growing spurt at during stages.
Getting fussy is most prob cos of other reasons. Baby doesn’t know any other except what we feed. So safer to keep to introducing other types of foods till 6months and beyond.
No. Just follow baby cues for milk. Do not feed any other thing . The baby is not ready for food. They dunno how to swallow & might choke
Hi... you can start giving solids such as porridge, purées and cereals to your baby from 4 months onwards
4months is fine. U can ask your pd. My son pd ask us to start at 4months. Like puree / cereal :)
3m+ is still quite early. When baby is able to sit down on his own, then you can intro food.