Mummies, what do u feed ur baby when they r 4 mths old n above? care to share? cause I'm worried my Mil will feed my LO porridge as main meals n not my BM... I'm exclusively bf my LO...

I think the answer here is not what we're feeding because you seem to already know the answer (ie. no feeding until 6mths, start with puree and slowly progress to porridge, no seasoning, etc) I guess the answer is if this is a matter worth pursuing. If your mil is looking after your child, this is going to be one of the many conflicts you'll face (ie. overfeeding, use of walker, seasoning in food, toilet training, etc). I'll say every mother's tolerance for each matter is different, and you've got to choose your 'battle', which are the ones you're willing to meet midway and which are the ones you have no leeway on. Personally, I'll only start my baby on solids after 6 mths. Milk contains all the necessary nutrients for growth and it's not directly replaceable by any of the solids. With such small tummies, I'll want to ensure each feed provides them with as much nutrients goodness as possible (ie. milk).
Read moreIt is recommended that babies are exclusively bf till 6 months of age. Thereafter you may begin to introduce food to them. You can start with porridge, vegetables and even fruits. As the moms above mentioned, puree it. Its really simple and yet delicious. Apple sauce, sweet potato, carrots, pears and once baby has adapted better, you can start mix and match the food. Definitely an exciting journey to begin for both mum and lo.
Read moreI started semi solids like cereals, porridge, etc ... when LO turns 6 mths. Before that, it's exclusive BM. If you do not feel comfortable, just share your thoughts with your MIL that you prefer LO to start porridge ard 6 mths old. In fact, starting at 4 mths is alright too. Ultimately, they will have to start slow like once a day for porridge and then the rest of the day will be BM.
Read moreBM is good enough. Seriously if u can stretch as long as u can, do it. "Snacks" aka food like avocado or fruits can be introduced when u r slowly starting to wean your child due to decreased supply or want to stop BF completely. Otherwise, keep going on because the child's immunity will be stronger
mom, at 4 months, the ONLY thing you should give your baby is breastmilk. it is very important to feed your baby only and only breastmilk for the first 6 months. you can slowly introduce liquids and mashed and pureed foods from the 7th month.
You can try pureed fruits like avocado and banana. Just make sure they are mashed or pureed to a super smooth consistency if baby is 4 months. Here are other food suggestions:

Just let her try different taste/texture. Not really because I to wean her off BM. Because baby's main source of nutrients still comes from BM from 0-1 year old.
My mil feed brown rice cereal when lo turns 4 month old and mix it using bm instead of water
I only feed BM when LO is 4 months old. I started giving purée when LO is 24 weeks (6 months) old.
isit because u wanna wean ur baby?
my Mil sure say she also feed porridge to the previous baby she taken care... haiz....
Daddy of 2 lovely little heartbreakers