2 Replies

Hi there mummy, Hope you’re well and having a wonderful time with your Little one(LO).You know as tiring as it seems as the moment your LO will only need your full attentions hugs/carrying until they are 3yo. And then they will go to childcare meeting new friends. Is not very long so do cherish that ya☺️. Some suggestions on new social connections: 1. Telegram/WhatsApp ground for mummy. Available on the top link in this app. 2. If you’re a introverted person(like me🫣), you can join talks/conference provided by KKH/NUH for mummies and daddies. You could sign up on their websites. This allows you to get more knowledge on caring for your LO in the same time know new mummies around. 3. Spend more time with your family members(spouse/parents/sibling). Building more channels for help in the future😬. In case you need more rest, your parents are good outsource channel😝. 4. Go for a short holiday with your spouse and LO , Msia also a good place(engaging private cars to go over). This could help you have a some enjoyment and aways from 4walls of the house. (Personally, i’ve travel more than 3 country when my LO is between 10months -1 yo), yes is tiring. However, daddy and mommy get to enjoy their time too(especially when LO is sleeping😉✌🏻-have a drink with your spouse in your hotel room balcony etc.) Remember good relationship stays, people comes and goes in our life. Perhaps focus what matters and those who are receptive to your care and love😊. Take care.

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