contact lens

hi mummies, was any of u wearing contact lens throughout labour & delivery to see the whole process & baby clearer, or removed them & change to spectacles?

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Yes it’s fine. Both are ok depends on your dilation also. In case if you are in a long labour such as more than 10-12 hours of inducing n sleep off for hours. May have to remove it. Hubby will help to hold your lens case. If your dilation is fast up to within 10 hours give birth then np.

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wear spect is better, some labor take more than 10hrs ,u may feel eyes very dry and uncomfortable wearing contact lens,aftr birth u will be super tired and may forgotten to take out then it may cause eye infection..

VIP Member

I don’t think you’re allowed to wear contact lenses into the ward. The nurses came and asked if I have removed my lenses

I was told by KKH to not wear contacts on delivery day...

5y ago

okie will take note..

Super Mum

In the end i wore contact lens during delivery

Best to wear specs during delivery

okie will take note, thank u..

Best to wear specs

VIP Member

I removed spec