Postpartum confinement month
Is it possible to survive confinement without confinement nanny? Will be ordering confinement meals though but that’s about it

there are many considerations. it's really not about "can you endure confinement without a nanny" 1. can you afford? 2. do you have help? 3. do you have any clue on how to look after a newborn? or anyone to guide you. 4. how many children do you have? 1. given the covid situation, confinement nanny prices have shot up. if u can afford it, then on to qn 2. 2. do you have other help in the house. daily house chores need to be done. and every household has different preferences. some needs to have the floor mopped daily, some don't have a washing machine. as long as u have both help from both technology and/or humans it is possible. things like a vacuum/mopping robot, having a washing machine, not being so particular that the floor must be mopped daily does tame the toll off your shoulders. 3. if this is your 1st child, and you have no relatives/friends to guide/help u at least the first few days, everything may seem confusing and you'll feel lost. so confinement nanny/experienced person is important cos they should also teach you how to deal w newborn. otherwise you'll be a lost panicked lamb. 4. if you have no other kids, it's doable handling 1 baby alone. if not youll be split in many directions cos your elder one wants attention/help too. so having someone else helps. if you have all these points covered you can definitely do confinement without help. but do consider having some companionship besides husband especially if he's not wfh, cos it can be lonely during day time. and at least there's someone to keep an eye out for baby when u catch up on your naps or pumping.
Read moreyes you can! if you are FTM then you go and learn from YouTube or any mummy group on babycare first before you birth. in hospital you ask if the nurse can teach you learn as much as possible from them including how to swaddle. next, you must have extra pair of hand whether it's hubby or parents or sister or mil or helper so you get to rest at time. you can latch directly is to save more energy of yours if you want. now nanny price go up very high is crazy price if you have budget you can join this group the rates is just sgd3300. nannies there are good also cause got control
Read moreA resounding YES!!! You can! However, there’s a huge but here… You need to listen to your mind and your body and rest when you need to. Your mental health and well being are super important after birth as baby blues take effect due to the crashing of hormones. So make sure you have good home support, friends who fan your flames and lift you up instead of bring you down - positivity is sooo important. If you’re breastfeeding, it’ll be good to join a support group too :) gather your village.
Read moreHey Stephanie. It’s absolutely possible to survive confinement without a nanny. You will need support though. If your husband is hands on and can help you with certain things, that’ll be best!
Nanny guides u how to takecare of your newborn. u can slowly learn yourself and understand better. don't need a nanny. since u are ordering confinement food, u shouldn't worry. jia you mummy. u can manage!
I didnt have a nanny as well. Just more tough but slowly will get used to it. Depends how hands on your hubby is too. My hubby is very hands on with baby so it was abit more manageable.
Yes, possible. I did without a nanny.i went for prenatal classes though.. so at least I learnt the basics on how to bathe /feed/burp a baby etc...
I nv have a nanny also...all me n my hubby..though tired at night so hubby needs to be helpful though.
no nanny but my mum helped in the day. night time shared between me and hubby for feeding
yes. if family mbr is helping out