Ear Wax?

Hello mummies. Recently I found this ear wax build up in my LOs ear. Two days ago it was only in the outer bottom, ytd its on outer top n bottom and today I found it got even more. Can anyone tell me if this is ear infection or I can just clean it off with cotton ball?

Ear Wax?
12 Replies
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Super Mum

My girl had something similar, I think the outside part is hardened dry skin not ear wax. Just clean it thoroughly with wet cotton ball, it should disappear after some time. If you're still concerned you can raise it to the PD also

VIP Member

Bring baby to see doctor. If he can drinks cranberries juice, maybe offer him some. Cranberries juice could fight infection.

Best is to go to the GP. Doing something else may worsen the situation. I have done that in the past and later regretted.

see your PD and let him advise but dont dig they normally have ear drops to help with the wax

VIP Member

Use baby oil to clean, with soft cotton bud, but be gentle n careful.

VIP Member

Look like infection for me, do seek PD advice

Super Mum

PD will prescribe oil to clesr the ear wax

Super Mum

I think better to see the PD..

Best to consult your doctor

I think better to see a pd