17 Replies

I personally don’t ask for seats while I’m pregnant cause everyone paid for a seat and I don’t want people to think just because I’m pregnant I need to feel entitled… But I was luckier cause I never had issues standing for long due to the nature of my work (f&b). If you really feel you needed one, just walk up to any youngsters on the priority seat and ask if they can let you have the seat (nicely of course) instead as you’re not feeling too well standing. Im pretty sure they will be more than willing to give up their seat for you 😃 Some people’s mindsets are: If you don’t ask, I assume you don’t need it. 🙂 The reason why people ended up on social media is because they demanded for the seats when they could’ve just asked nicely.

I also don't get seats 70% of the time (thank you so much 30% of the kind people), sometimes people just pretend not to notice. I feel you as sometimes due to work, I am carrying multiple bags and have been walking a lot so I am really tired and wish people would offer me a seat. Especially when the MRT is so packed I don't even have a handle to hold onto. I even get pushed by elderly so they can cut queue to get on bus first. Never got the courage to ask though, especially since most in priority seats are elderly, I just bore with it. Sometimes when I'm feeling better and my station is just a few stops away, I give my seat for those who need it more tho i.e. those carrying a baby and have children clinging to them, because I know how they feel.

most of the time, I observe that people in the priority seats are more than willing to give up their seats automatically if they see elderly, pregnant ladies or like injured people who needs it more than them. For pregnant ladies, sometimes it may not be that obvious and by giving up the seat to them, they may be awkward if they are not actually pregnant. My friend was asked to sit down cuz she was wearing a baggy dress but she wasn't pregnant or anything. If you need the seat, just ask and I'm sure they will be willing to give up the seat to you.. or at least youngsters in other seats will! :)

I think you can obtain a “May I have a seat please” lanyard from mrt station control. Or I feel if you really need a seat, asking it nicely always work, if the one sitting on the priority seat do no offer it to you, no need to argue with him/her (as they might have hidden med condition that we might not be aware of and needed the seat as well), just move on to another person to ask, usually even those who are not on the priority seat will offer theirs when they realize you needed it.

Yes to this. You can approach the control station and let them know you are pregnant, and they can issue you a lanyard for which says “May I hve a seat please”. With or without the lanyard, you can try to lookout for station staff and stand near them when waiting to enter the train. Most of the times, they will ask if you need a seat and help you to ask passengers if someone can give up their seat to you.

VIP Member

hello! you can try to ask the SMRT counter if they have the pregnancy badge, so people will offer you seat automatically. I was like ths wayback 2018 but luckily I always manage to sit cos the staff prioritizes my seat when they see me in que of the train station, they'll facilitate my seat from the priority seats section, or they'll ask someone to stand and give up their seat for me. I hope your journey will be smoother... 🤰🏻🥰🤲🏼

VIP Member

I stand near priority seat and usually they will give up the seats after awhile. Only on a few occasions, nobody gave up. You can ask for a seat if you really need one if not, what I did was, If I'm not the first in line then i will take the next train so i will be the first in line and higher chance of getting a seat when I board the train. 😊

I try to tell myself not to expect anyone to give up their seats for me, so when anyone does, I am truly grateful and appreciate for them. Some people maybe just didn’t notice I guess? If you really need a break from standing up, I suggest maybe to stop at the next station and rest for a while before continuing your journey.

I understand how you feel and it is frustrating especially when I board at the priority cabin. Worse still they ignore or pretend not to see. I even experienced some elderly fighting the seats with me, which I eventually give it up. Usually I will wait for the next few trains or go to the cabin that has lesser passengers.

Yeah... Most of the time people just ignore and don't give up their seat even though it's an obvious baby bump. Not being entitled but being pregnant is tiring. Some times standing too long can cause really uncomfortable leg/belly cramps.

well hello??? who are you calling with that profanity? very rude and unethical member. no empathy at all.

hais me too. 18 weeks and already like a penguin and im always with my 2yo LO with bags and stroller too. but they also didnt bother and most of the time i dont bother anymore 😑😑😑

So sad right. ☹️ I also give up already.

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